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Ultrasonic heat meter Landis+Gyr Ultraheat-T550/UH50 DN65 (flanged)

Availability: In stock

Short information

Rated flow: 25.0 m³/h
Minimum / maximum flow: 0.250 / 50.0 m³/h
Mounting length: 300 mm

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Ultrasonic heat meter Landis+Gyr Ultraheat-T550/UH50 DN65

The ultrasonic heat meter ULTRAHEAT UH50, depending on the version, can be used as: heat meter; cold counter; combined counter of heat - cold; flow meter - recorder.

The ULTRAHEAT UH50 heat meter is designed to measure heat consumption in closed heating systems, the heat carrier is water.

The ULTRAHEAT UH50 heat meter is an upgraded version of the well-known 2WR5 meter. The new heat meter has significantly expanded archiving functions, increased the number of communication modules, including a radio module, a module for connecting two additional flow meters with pulse outputs, and simplified display control by using two buttons.


  • Nominal diameters, mm: DN15–DN100
  • Connection: DN15–DN40: threaded, DN20–DN100: flanged
  • Maximum coolant temperature: 150 °С
  • Nominal pressure, bar: PN16 (threaded), PN25 (flanged)
  • Nominal flow rates Qn, m3/h: 0.6-60
  • Minimum / maximum flow, Qmin / Qmax: 0.01*Qn / 2*Qn
  • Accuracy class (according to DSTU 3339-97): 4
  • Flow transmitter installation location: supply or return pipeline
  • Mounting position of the flow transducer : arbitrary
  • Permissible reloading by flow: 2.8 x Qn
  • Maximum cable length between flow sensor and heat meter: 5 m
  • Power supply: lithium battery 3.6 V (standard), 24 V AC/DC, 220 V AC (optional)
  • Temperature sensor: Pt500 (standard), Pt100 (option)

The main advantages of the heat meter:

  • High accuracy, stability of metrological parameters for a long time.
  • Wide measurement range of coolant flow (1-200% of Qn), which allows measuring thermal energy both at minimum summer and maximum winter loads.
  • The working part of the flowmeter is made entirely of metal and does not contain rotating parts subject to wear.
  • Self-contained power supply from a 3.6 V lithium battery with a service life of at least 6 years (standard), 11 years (option).
  • Possibility of installation of a flowmeter in horizontal, vertical and inclined pipeline.
  • The design of the flowmeter does not require the installation of straight (still) sections.
  • Archiving of hourly, daily, monthly and annual parameters of heat consumption, as well as emergency situations.
  • Ability to interface with automatic control systems.
  • Possibility of installation at the same time up to two additional replaceable communication modules.

The main modifications of the heat meter:

UH 50 A is a heat meter with two-wire temperature sensors for installing the flow meter in the return pipe.

UH 50 V – heat meter with two-wire temperature sensors for installation of the flow meter on the supply pipeline.

UH 50 С – combined heat/cold meter with two-wire temperature sensors for installation of the flow meter on the return pipeline.

UH 50 G is a cold meter with two-wire temperature sensors for installing the flow meter on the return pipeline.

UH 50 D - water flow meter (without temperature sensors).

The heat meter delivery set includes:

  • Heat meter with ultrasonic flow transducer (one-piece connecting cable 3 m long (standard) or 5 m long (option)). The heat calculator has a built-in card for the archiver of hourly and daily parameters "Datenlogger" and Logbuch events.
  • A matched pair of Pt500 platinum resistance thermocouples. Meters DN15–DN20 (0.6-2.5 m3/h) are standardly equipped with thermal converters 27.5 mm long (cable length 2.5 m), one of which is built into the flowmeter, and the second is equipped with a T-shaped branch pipe for direct immersion thermal converter. Meters DN25–DN100 are equipped with thermal converters 50 mm long with a cable 2 m long (standard), 5 m or 10 m long, as well as two sleeves 63 mm or 83 mm long (optional) and welded pipes.
  • Plate for fastening the heat meter to the wall or to the flow meter.
